Auricap XO
Auricap XO is a new high performance capacitor product from Audience that is the result of rigorous consideration of every aspect in capacitor design and the manufacturing process. Over a two year period Audience has tested a host of parameters including tension windings and baking times, among other proprietary procedures. Auricap XO is made using the very finest obtainable polypropylene film and new high purity, oxygen free continuous cast copper leads. This new cap design offers reduced parasitic such as ESR improving on its effective bandwidth. With the design changes we have made a new level of performance is reached with even less coloration, micro-phonics and noise contribution than the famous Auricap. There are no drawbacks to the Auricap XO in comparison to the standard Auricap. Users can still expect all of the wonderful virtues for which the standard Auricap is known. In brief, the Auricap XO has noticeably more high frequency extension and greater transparency and coherence throughout the entire frequency range.